St George’s Church, Georgeham

Apart from church services, the building is open to the public for visiting and private prayer, generally between 9am - 4pm. Occasionally the hours might differ slightly.

The inside of St George’s Church greets you with peace. Apart from the clock in the bell tower, with its heartbeat ticking, SILENCE! Unless of course you have arrived just before one of our services, in which case the hustle & bustle of excitement as we meet to praise and worship God.

Many features and little gems of treasure can be found in the church, here are a few of them.

St Mary’s Church, Croyde

Apart from church services, the building is open for visiting and private prayer, generally between 9am - 4pm. Occasionally the hours might differ slightly. We will keep you posted on this!

The inside of St Mary’s Church greets you with peace. Apart from the vehicles driving passed outside, SILENCE! You feel the presence of God.

A small church, with some lovely little features and treasures can be found dotted around the church.

The Bell Tower Window

The Main Alter

The Pickwell Chapel