Mission Giving

We are so fortunate where we live and we are forever conscious of those around us and further afield who are less fortunate than ourselves. As a church, like many other churches, we seek to bless others in a way that is ‘Proper’ and Biblical. Whilst we do not set a definitive figure, we aim to give between 10%-12% of our annual income to organisations that we have some form of ongoing connection with, either locally, nationally or internationally.

At the end of 2023 the PCC on behalf of the church family agreed to distribute the sum of £5250 in varying amounts to the following organisations. By clicking on each organisation you will be taken to their website.

In order to oversee this important giving Mike Fawcett reports to our Church PCC as Mission’s Cordinator. If you would like to find out more please email Mike with the subject matter Mission Cordinator. Attached to each charity will be a ‘Champion’ Ambassador, who will oversee that charity and report through Mike Fawcett, the Mission Coordinator.

A number of charities have been removed for 2024, although they did receive small donation from the 2023 distribution.

Charities Supported for 2024

HIHFW - Hand in Hand Foundation Worldwide - Mike Fawcett

Open the Book - Jenny Copp

Christian Surfers UK - Sue Nias

St Georges House - Lorraine Upward

MAF - Mission Aviation Fellowship - Tim Nias

Barnabas Trust - Irene Thorne

The Freedom Centre - Marie & Rob Lott

PCC Appeal Fund - All PCC Members